Fresh Barracuda Steak ~1 kg

Availability: In Stock
Condition: New

  • Nutritious
  • 1kg
  • Healthier than red or white meat
  • Quick to digest



Buy Fresh Barracuda Steak ~1 kg on Fresh Barracuda Steak ~1 kg is an already cleaned full-flavored fish/ seafood like wild tuna with a mildly sweet undertone. It is firm, dense and meaty with large flakes that have a low-fat content. It can be eaten with chips, rice, salad, steamed vegetables, and baked potatoes. Barracuda fish is very beneficial to increasing muscle mass, in the sense of making muscle grow bigger. This fish is eaten by athletes. It contains Vitamin B2 which helps keep the nervous system running normally. Pyridoxine can be a catalyst for hemoglobin. This substance is contained in Barracuda Fish. Benefits of Hemoglobin as a blood-promoting and iron-carrying agent, and used to deliver electricity (energy) throughout the body, of course, this makes Hemoglobin an essential component in the human body that needs to be maintained health. Consumption of Fresh Barracuda Steak can promote blood circulation and risk to human platelets.

SKU: SF-MIL12-FBS1 Category: Tags: , , ,


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