Dry Crayfish Small

Availability: In Stock
Condition: New




When buying crayfish online you never know what you’re going to get. But when you buy crayfish online on Markets.ng, you get the best kind, whether grounded or ungrounded.

On Markets.ng, our grounded crayfish is clean and doesn’t have sand or stones in it. It is tasty and will add that distinct traditional flavour to your dishes. Order crayfish and other seafood items today on Markets.ng, and have it delivered to you anywhere in Lagos.

Types Of Crayfish

Dried crayfish, grounded crayfish, Akwa Ibom crayfish, Oron crayfish.

How To Use Crayfish / What Crayfish Used For

Before using crayfish to cook, wash it thoroughly with water, and pound or ground it. Use grounded crayfish as seasoning for your beef, chicken, or fish while cooking. You can also use it to loosen up your ogbono when cooking ogbono soup.

 Health Benefits

The health benefits of crayfish are:

  • It aids in weight loss because it is low in fat.
  • It contains protein, and helps in bodybuilding.
  • It contains sodium and potassium. Sodium maintains and balances the body’s fluid. Potassium relaxes the blood vessels and maintains normal blood pressure.
  • Crayfish is a source of minerals like calcium and magnesium which helps in the development of bones, teeth and the muscle. 
  • It  also contains Iron which improves the production and circulation of blood in the body and reduces the chances of anaemia and other low iron-related health conditions.
  • Crayfish which is a seafood is rich in iodine and plays a major role in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. 


Seller SKU: FM-CF-sm4L
Minimum order quantity: 1

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